I was working in the office a couple weeks ago, trying out a really cool new technique I had found. I stared at my screen with excitement at the unbelievable design I had just invited forth. Then I noticed somebody peering over my shoulder. I heard a soft, “meh.” I turned around to see a...Read More
In this tutorial I show you how to use a free plugin called ReeperX which allows you to create ropes along a spline. Awesome stuff! Here’s the link to get ReeperX: https://www.codeworkers.de/garage-plugins-reeperx.htmRead More
In this tutorial I’ll give a brief overview of dynamics, including a couple useful tips about it, and show you how to slow down time, aka the Matrix effect. Read More
Ever had problems getting a texture to stick in Cinema 4D when using a random effector? This quick and effective workaround will keep you from losing your mind.Read More
I’ve been thinking a lot about mediocrity lately. I read Seth Godin’s Purple Cow, where he says that having a remarkable product is a shortcut to success. Well, I think that’s understating it. I think the ONLY way to success is to have a remarkable product. Especially these days, and in our industry, where there...Read More